COVID-19 Preparedness Plan and Safety Protocol

Policies are subject to change and in guidance with CDC health guidelines. Last Updated 4/15/2022.

Foci Minnesota Center for Glass Arts is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our community of workers, renters, and visitors of our nonprofit glass art center. To ensure we have a safe and healthy glass studio and gallery, we have developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Staff, volunteers, and studio renters are all responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our workplaces and communities, and that requires full cooperation among our glass arts community. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety and health of our community!

Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines, federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19 and Executive Order 20-48, and addresses:

  • hygiene and respiratory etiquette

  • controls for social distancing

  • cleaning, disinfecting, decontamination and ventilation

  • prompt identification and isolation of sick persons

  • communications and training that will be provided to staff

  • protection and controls for pick-up, drop-off and delivery

  • communications and instructions for customers

Proof of Vaccination/Negative Test Protocol

Starting April 15, 2022: No longer will we require proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test to participate in any of our workshops, experiences, or rentals. Masking is strongly recommended but not required. Foci MCGA has free disposable masks available. All events, socials, and demos at Foci MCGA will be limited to 50 people max. Disinfecting work stations will still be required for renters, classes, and Glass Discoveries. These policies are subject to change based on COVID-19 infection rates.

General Safety for All Visitors

Self-Check: If you feel even slightly unwell or have travelled internationally within the past two weeks, please stay home.

Temperature: Please check your temperature before arriving at the studio, if you have even a low-grade fever (at least 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) stay home except to get medical care.

Face Coverings: Non-medical, washable cloth face coverings should be worn at all times by visitors, staff, and renters. Foci MCGA has free disposable masks available for use. See ‘Rental Safety Protocol’ below for policy on wearing masks while working in the hotshop. Face shields without the use of a mask are not permitted.


  • Hand sanitizer is available in our public space and disinfectant at each workstation for use before and after renting.

  • Minimize handling cash, credit cards, and mobile or electronic devices in the studio.

Social Distancing

  • At least six feet of distance will be implemented and maintained between workers, customers and visitors at Foci MCGA.

  • Signage, markings and instructions for employees, visitors and customers about social distancing are posted in the studio

  • Maximum of 50 occupants in Foci MCGA including staff.

  • Distance between workstations has been increased

  • Limited occupancy in each area of the studio, posted to each door.

Used Eye Protection: Worn Foci MCGA eyewear should be deposited into the designated area at the front desk to be sanitized after each use.

Minimized In-Store Shopping: The Gallery area of Foci MCGA will be open with a maximum capacity of 25 people. Glass sales and shipping has been made available through the Foci MCGA website for no-contact shopping. For those who are immunocompromised, we welcome you to make an after-hours appointment to shop while the studio is closed to visitors.

  • Face coverings are not required but strongly recommended.

    Studio Occupancy Limits:

    -Hotshop -4 benches in use at a time - maximum of 25 people including staff within hotshop area

    -Kilnshop - 2 renters using the kiln room at one time

    -Moldshop - 3 renters at one time

    -Coldshop -  4 renters at one time

    -Flameshop - 5 renters at one time

    -Classroom - 4 renters at one time

    Scheduling Studio Rental:

    All rentals are subject to Foci MCGA staff approval and glass availability. Renters may be asked to rearrange their reservation to accommodate our reduced operations schedule and social distancing.

    Renters are allowed to access to the studio one hour prior to the start of their reservation.

    Blowhoses and Replacement Mouthpieces Available for Purchase: Foci MCGA staff has assembled and packaged blowhoses and individual mouthpiece attachments to be available for purchase in the studio by renters.

    Air Flow: Fans should be used at each workstation to improve air circulation while avoiding air flow blowing across people.

    Cleaning: Renters are expected to fully disinfect everything they have used after renting.

    Disinfect all tools, pipes, and work bench used during the rental slot.

    All used tools and pipes must be returned to their storage areas after disinfecting and the work space fully swept.

  • -Class size has a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 students, 1 instructor, and 1 assistant. 

    -Well ventilated space with fresh air intake from outside.

    -Instructors, students, and staff must wear a face mask at all times while indoors.

    -All shared tools and surfaces are sanitized before and after class. Sanitizer is available to use during class. 

    -For Glassblowing courses , students and instructors will not be putting their mouths directly on blowpipes. We will be using "blowhose extensions" and "hand pump inflators" to blow into the glass, these tools allow us to inflate a bubble without removing face masks or putting our mouths on shared tools. 

    -Be aware that while social distancing is encouraged, we will be working near each other and working with hot glass requires assistance from another person. Our studio does have plenty of room for people to space out, but there will be some instances that require the instructor to be less than 6 feet away from the student. 


    Foci MCGA does not fully refund any classes. A 50-percent refund will be given for cancellations made at least 14 days before the start of class. No refund will be given after that time. If you need to cancel, please email or call 612-759-8476. If it is necessary for us to cancel a class for any reason, a full refund will be given. If cancellations are COVID related we will work to issue a refund. If participants are unable to show proof of vaccination or a negative test, they will not be allowed to participate in the activity and will be issued a full refund for their class or workshop. For core classes and workshops that are currently running through this timeframe--participants will need to have their information updated by January 3rd, 2022. Protocols will take full effect in 2022.

  • -Limited class sizes: Hot Glass Discovery class size limited to 4 students and Kiln Fused Glass Discovery class size limited to 6 students total.

    -Well ventilated space with fresh air intake from outside.

    -Masking is not required but strongly recommended.

    -All shared tools and surfaces are sanitized before and after class. Sanitizer is available to use during class. 

    -For Hot Glass Discoveries, students and instructors will not be putting their mouths directly on blowpipes. We will be using "blowhose extensions" and "hand pump inflators" to blow into the glass, these tools allow us to inflate a bubble without removing face masks or putting our mouths on shared tools. 

    -Be aware that while social distancing is encouraged, we will be working near each other and working with hot glass requires assistance from another person. Our studio does have plenty of room for people to space out, but there will be some instances that require the instructor to be less than 6 feet away from the student. 

    -Customers looking for a refund from Groupon must go to:

  • Youth and Teen Camp Sanitation:

    -All tools and safety glasses will be sanitized each and every time before being used by a new student.

    -Workspaces will be sanitized each day before camp begins and once after camp.

    Symptomatic Camper Protocol: No youth with symptoms should be present at the studio (click here for symptom list). If a child begins to develop symptoms while at camp, especially fever, cough, or shortness of breath we will contact the parent/guardian for pickup, provide the child with a disposable mask, and separate them from the rest of the camp in a well ventilated area with fresh air and an activity until they are able to be taken home by their parent or guardian.

  • -Staff are responsible for implementing and complying with all aspects of Foci MCGA’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Keep our glass arts community safe!

    -Full time staff checking vaccine/test status must have signed a nondisclosure agreement (see Executive Director).

    -Please take your temperature with the no-touch thermometer available behind the front desk each time you arrive at work. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit and above should arrange to go home immediately.

    -No one with symptoms (click here) should be present at the workplace. Employees should inform the Executive Director if they or their studio colleagues develop symptoms at work, especially fever, cough, or shortness of breath. 

    -Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available.

    -Maintain disinfectant and sanitizer supplies.

    -Remain distant while renters are working in the studio.

    -Maximum the amount of fresh air being brought into the workplaces and minimize air flow blowing across people.

    -Clean and disinfect work surfaces, equipment, tools, machinery, areas in the work environment, including the restroom, fridge/sink area, and front desk throughout the day.

    -Especially clean high-touch areas, such as phones, keyboards, touch screens, controls, door handles, buttons, railings, delivery equipment, etc.

    -When cleaning and disinfecting, staff should always wear gloves.

    Protocol for Staff and Renters Exposed to COVID-19 or Exhibiting Symptoms:

    -If you are a close contact (e.g., household or intimate contact) of someone who was told by their health care provider that they have COVID-19, you should contact the Executive Director, monitor your health for 14 days, and stay home as much as possible.

    -If you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, you should stay home for at least 7 days, and for 3 days with no fever and improvement of respiratory symptoms— whichever is longer. (Your fever should be gone for 3 days without using fever-reducing medicine.)

     For example, if you have a fever and coughing for 4 days, you need to stay home 3 more days with no fever for a total of 7 days. Or, if you have a fever and coughing for 5 days, you need to stay home 3 more days with no fever for a total of 8 days.

    -If you feel sick or have any new symptoms (sore throat, diarrhea, muscle aches, headache), you should stay home until symptoms resolve.

    -If a staff member begins to develop symptoms at work, they should contact the Executive Director and immediately isolate themselves in an area with fresh air and wearing a mask/cloth face covering until they can leave the studio.

    Cleaning Protocol for A Suspected or Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in the Foci MCGA Studios:

    -Any areas used by the ill individual will be temporarily closed off completely and marked with a sign.

    -Staff will wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting to minimize potential for being exposed to respiratory droplets.

    -During this waiting period, open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in these areas.

    Emergency Plan for Possible Outbreak:

    -If an outbreak occurs within our glass community, Foci MCGA will suspend all operations for 24 hours before sanitation begins.

    -Only one staff member will be allowed in the facility at one time to maintain studio equipment functions while the studio is closed. All other staff should work from home during this time.

    -All renters, staff, and students who have visited Foci MCGA within the past two weeks after a reported COVID-19 case will immediately be informed by administrative staff if we suspect they have been exposed to an ill individual while at the studio.

    -All rentals, classes, and Discoveries will be suspended for at least 7 days after we are alerted of a confirmed case of COVID-19.

  • Current evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 may remain viable for hours to days on surfaces made from a variety of materials. Cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is a best practice measure for prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in households and community settings.

    Hard (Non-porous) Surfaces:

    If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection. For disinfection, most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective. A list of products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 is available, click here to view. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products for concentration, application method and contact time, etc.

    Additionally, diluted household bleach solutions (at least 1000ppm sodium hypochlorite) can be used if appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application, ensuring a contact time of at least 1 minute, and allowing proper ventilation during and after application. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted. Bleach solutions will be effective for disinfection up to 24 hours.

    Prepare a bleach solution by mixing: 5 tablespoons (1/3 cup) bleach per gallon of water or 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water

    Soft (Porous) Surfaces:

    For soft (porous) surfaces such as carpeted floor, rugs, and drapes, remove visible contamination if present and clean with appropriate cleaners indicated for use on these surfaces. After cleaning:

    -If the items can be laundered, launder items in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and then dry items completely.

    -Otherwise, use products that are EPA-approved for use against the virus that causes COVID-19 and that are suitable for porous surfaces. Click here to view.


    For electronics such as tablets, touch screens, keyboards, remote controls, and ATM machines, remove visible contamination if present.

    Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products.

    Consider the use of wipeable covers for electronics.

    If no manufacturer guidance is available, consider the use of alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol to disinfect touch screens. Dry surfaces thoroughly to avoid pooling of liquids.

    Linens, Clothing, and Other Items That Go in the Laundry:

    In order to minimize the possibility of dispersing virus through the air, do not shake dirty laundry.

    Wash items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely. Dirty laundry that has been in contact with an ill person can be washed with other people’s items.

    Clean and disinfect hampers or other carts for transporting laundry according to guidance above for hard or soft surfaces.


Find an in-person testing location:

Latest updates on COVID-19 from the City of Minneapolis

Rules for Opening Businesses provided by The State of Minnesota

Rules for Opening Businesses provided by The City of Minneapolis

  • All employers of businesses that are spaces of public accommodation are required to have employees wear a cloth face covering whenever such employees have face-to-face contact with the public. Wearing a cloth mask is a matter of race equity. A disproportionate share of essential, front-line workers are low-income and people of color who are already experiencing higher rates of infection – wearing a mask will help keep more workers and customers safe.

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Minnesota Council of Nonprofits

Minnesota Department of Health: Find My Immunization Record - The “Docket” App is the Minnesota Immunization Information Connection (MIIC) is an immunization information system (IIS) that combines a person's immunizations into a single record, even if they were given by different health care providers in the state.


Additional Info

Be safe friends and thank you for your enduring patience and cooperation during these challenging times!